How Long Does TMS Take to Work?

by | May 17, 2023

If you’re struggling with anxiety or other mental health conditions, you may have heard about a treatment called TMS therapy. TMS therapy uses magnetic pulses to stimulate the areas of the brain responsible for mood regulation to reduce symptoms of anxiety, depression, and other mental health conditions.

But how long does TMS take to work for anxiety? And how long for TMS to work before you see noticeable improvements in your symptoms?

In this blog, we’ll explore the timeline for seeing results from TMS therapy for anxiety and the factors that can impact your treatment timeline. Whether you’re considering TMS therapy for yourself or just curious about how it works, this blog will provide the information you need to make an informed decision about your mental health treatment options.

What Is TMS Therapy for Anxiety?

TMS therapy, or Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation therapy, is a non-invasive treatment for various mental health conditions, including anxiety, depression, and OCD. It works by using magnetic fields to stimulate nerve cells in the brain that are involved in regulating mood and emotions.

During a TMS therapy session, you’ll sit in a comfortable chair, and a small magnetic coil will be placed on your scalp. The coil will deliver magnetic pulses to your brain, which can help regulate the activity of the nerve cells associated with your anxiety symptoms.

The best part about TMS therapy is that it’s non-invasive, so you won’t need to worry about surgical procedures or anesthesia. It’s also a relatively short treatment, with each session typically lasting about 30-60 minutes. 

And, unlike medication, TMS therapy has no systemic side effects, so you won’t have to worry about feeling tired or groggy, a major plus if you have things to do right after!

TMS therapy is a safe and effective treatment option for those struggling with anxiety and other mental health conditions. If you’re interested in learning more about TMS therapy or think it might be a good option, I’d encourage you to speak with a qualified TMS therapy provider. They can guide you in the right direction. 

Who Can Benefit From TMS Therapy?

TMS therapy can be an excellent option for people struggling with anxiety, depression, and other mental health conditions.

First, it’s important to note that TMS therapy is typically recommended for people who have not seen significant improvement from other treatment options, such as medication or talk therapy. If you’ve tried other treatments for your anxiety and haven’t seen the results you’re looking for, TMS therapy may be a good option to explore.

In terms of specific mental health conditions, TMS therapy is effective for treating various anxiety disorders, including generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), social anxiety disorder, and panic disorder. Let’s take a closer look.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Generalized anxiety disorder happens when you experience excessive and persistent worry or anxiety about everyday things. If you have GAD, you may feel anxious about things like work, school, health, finances, or family, and you may have trouble controlling your worry. These worries can interfere with daily activities.  

It’s important to note that while everyone experiences worry and anxiety from time to time, GAD is different in that the worry is excessive, persistent, and interferes with daily life. GAD can be treated with therapy, medication, or a combination of both, and many people with GAD are able to manage their symptoms and live fulfilling lives.

Social Anxiety Disorder

Social anxiety disorder is another anxiety disorder that causes intense fear or anxiety in social situations. If you have SAD, you might feel afraid that someone will judge you, you’ll get embarrassed, or you’ll be humiliated in a social situation. If you have SAD, you may sweat, tremble, blush, have a rapid heartbeat, or have difficulty speaking. 

Panic Disorder

If you have panic disorder, you likely have recurrent, unexpected panic attacks. Panic attacks happen suddenly, causing intense fear or discomfort. The worst is usually over within a few minutes, but it is awful to experience. 

When it comes to determining whether someone is a good candidate for TMS therapy, a few factors are taken into consideration. These may include the severity of your symptoms, overall health, medical history, and whether you have any other conditions or medications that could interact with TMS therapy.

Now that we’ve explored who can benefit from TMS therapy, let’s examine the timeline for seeing results and what factors affect your treatment timeline. 

While TMS therapy can be an effective treatment option for many people with anxiety and other mental health conditions, it’s important to have realistic expectations regarding how long it will take to see results.

Timeline for Seeing Results

If you’re considering TMS therapy for anxiety, you may wonder how long it will take to see results. While everyone’s response to treatment is different, there are some general timelines you can expect when it comes to improving your anxiety symptoms.

  • Week 1: During the first week of treatment, you may not notice any significant changes in your anxiety symptoms. However, you may start to feel more relaxed and less stressed after each session.
  • Week 2: By the second week of treatment, you may start to notice some improvement in your anxiety symptoms. You may feel calmer and less anxious in situations that normally trigger your anxiety.
  • Week 3: By the third week of treatment, you may start to see more significant improvement in your anxiety symptoms. You may feel less anxious overall and be able to handle stressful situations more easily.
  • Week 4: By the fourth week of treatment, you may start to feel like a new person! You may notice a significant reduction in your anxiety symptoms and feel more confident and relaxed overall.

It’s important to note that everyone’s response to TMS treatment differs, and some people may see results more quickly or slowly than others. Also, it’s important to continue with your treatment even after you start to see improvement, as completing the entire course of treatment can help to ensure that your symptoms don’t return.

What Affects My Treatment Timeline?

A few different factors can affect your treatment timeline when it comes to TMS therapy for anxiety. Let me break it down for you.

First, the severity of your anxiety can affect how long it takes to see results from TMS therapy. If you have mild to moderate anxiety, you may start to see improvement after just a few sessions. However, if your anxiety is more severe, it may take longer to see significant improvement.

Another factor affecting your treatment timeline is the frequency of your TMS therapy sessions. Typically, TMS therapy sessions are scheduled five days a week for several weeks, with each session lasting about 30-60 minutes. However, advanced facilities can provide treatment in about five minutes. If you can attend all of your scheduled sessions, you may see results more quickly than if you miss or skip days.

Finally, it’s important to remember that everyone’s brain is different, and some people may respond to TMS therapy more quickly than others. Some people may start to see improvement after just a few sessions, while others may need to complete the full course of treatment before they see significant improvement.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is TMS effective for anxiety?

If you’re wondering whether TMS therapy can help with anxiety, the answer is that it might. While there’s not a lot of research on TMS specifically for anxiety, some studies have found that it can effectively reduce anxiety symptoms. 

For example, one study found that TMS on the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex helped reduce anxiety symptoms in patients with anxiety disorder. Another study found that TMS effectively reduced anxiety symptoms in patients with post-traumatic stress disorder. 

While more research is needed to understand TMS’s effectiveness for anxiety fully, these studies suggest that it could be a promising treatment option for some people.

Who should avoid TMS?

While TMS is an effective treatment option for many people, it’s not for everyone.

You’ll want to avoid TMS therapy if you have a metal implant or object in your head. Because TMS uses a magnetic field to stimulate the brain, any metal implants or object could be at risk for injury. The most common examples are cochlear implants, stents, implanted stimulators, and pacemakers

You’ll want to avoid TMS therapy if you have a history of seizures or are pregnant since there is limited research on whether TMS is safe for epilepsy or pregnancy. 

How long do TMS results last?

How long TMS results last can vary from person to person, but studies have found that the benefits can last for at least several months.

For example, one study found that patients who received TMS treatment for depression experienced significant symptom reduction that lasted for at least six months after treatment. That’s a lot of relief!

Another study found that patients who received TMS treatment for depression experienced symptom reduction that lasted for up to 12 months. While more research is needed to understand the long-term effects of TMS treatment fully, these studies suggest that TMS can provide lasting benefits for some people.

How many TMS treatments are needed for anxiety?

This answer varies. It depends on how severe your anxiety is, how often you receive treatment, and whether you finish it. Ultimately, your TMS provider will be able to give you the best answer. 

Try TMS Therapy With Brain Health Center

We hope this blog has helped provide you with a better understanding of the timeline for seeing results from TMS therapy and the factors that can impact your treatment journey. TMS therapy for anxiety is a promising treatment that can provide long-term relief. 

While everyone’s response to TMS therapy is different, it’s important to have realistic expectations and work closely with your TMS therapy provider to ensure you’re getting the most out of your treatment. 

If you’re interested in exploring TMS therapy as a treatment option for your anxiety or other mental health condition, we encourage you to contact Brain Health Center

Our team of experienced TMS therapy providers can help you determine whether you’re a good candidate for the treatment and provide the support you need to achieve your mental health goals. 

Don’t hesitate to contact Brain Health Center today to learn more about how TMS therapy can help you on your journey to better mental health. Call us at 435.900.0123, email us at, or fill out the form on our website to get started.